How Notes Taking Helps Relieve Stress and Be More Productive

11 Jan, 2023 | Read in 5 minutes

Unlock the power of note-taking to manage stress and increase efficiency with these expert tips.


Note-taking can increase productivity and relieve stress. How could that be? Let's discuss this here.

The body transmits 11 million bits of information per second to the brain, but the conscious mind can only process 50 bits per second. The brain compresses data and makes a verbal or visual exchange of information difficult to maintain. Even after 24 hours of receiving the information, we forget 40% of the new information we learn. This will be self-defeating because when we need information, we forget. We've tracked every activity but still forget. Finally, we are stressed out and unproductive.

One way to relieve stress and be productive is to take notes. A study in the Journal of Experimental Psychology shows that participants who took notes remembered information better. Note-taking aids memory retention by actively associating old data with new knowledge.

Unfortunately, only some people are adept at taking notes. It was a professional skill and needed practice. This post will provide note-taking strategies for productivity and stress relief, so read on.

Benefits of taking Notes

Note-taking is not only helpful in increasing productivity and releasing stress. This activity has other benefits, such as boosting focus and schedule. Here are a few of the advantages of taking notes:

1. To relieve stress

Assignments and meetings are part of the job; you don't know where to start when they come together. This situation is called information overload. A study in Research Gate shows that information overload is one of the causes of stress. Stress also affects time management, decision quality and productivity.

You can organise your thoughts and separate important information from the “noise” by taking notes. Thus, you come back refreshed and ready to energise essential things.

2. Increase concentration and understanding

A study from the National Library of Medicine revealed that taking notes has the effect of increasing the performance of test subjects. The test subjects will have a deeper understanding of the identified object. In conclusion, taking notes makes people more aware of the specified object.

3. Facilitate planning

When you open the email tab, you find many emails with the “important” tag. Then you get a call for a meeting. It's just a matter of time until it says, “What a day! Huft!” The best way to avoid all of this is to take notes.

Write down all your information and schedule, then use Matrix Eisenhower to determine priorities. Taking notes means collecting all tasks and responsibilities that day. Then, the priority will make you complete each duty according to its portion.

4. Easy to refer whenever you need a reference

Imagine you just finished a meeting, and then the manager asks about the ad performance results. ? If you record the results, you can answer them. Taking notes helps ensure essential details aren't lost in a sea of ​​information.

Note-Taking strategies for stress-free and productivity

There are many note-taking methods that you can apply. If you're not sure where to start, try the seven strategies below:

1. Try a traditional Note-Taking method

The Cornell and Boxing methods include traditional note-taking methods. Metode Cornell developed by Walter Pauk in the 1950s. Pauk divides notes into three parts: the cue, notes and summary. These three sections help store information in an orderly manner. The Boxing Method groups pieces of information in small boxes and labels them.

A study by Pam Mueller of Princeton and Daniel Oppenheimer of UCLA says it's better to take notes than to write. Note-taking is detrimental to learning because listeners tend to write down word for word. But that doesn't mean digital notes are bad; it's just a matter of preference. If you like digital notes, choose tools that provide more value, for example, tools for taking notes, project schedules, creating timelines, etc.

2. Abbreviate, reduce, and simplify

Recording every word in the meeting is time-consuming. You can simplify notes if they are in a forum because the main thing is fast. Write down important points such as dates, amounts, events and results. When you use symbols, be consistent so you can recognise them easily. Focusing on the main issues keeps you calm when the speaker gets complicated.

If a note contains much information, keep it as simple as possible. This will help make it easier to find important information when needed. The process of referring to information also becomes easy.

3. Get visual with your logs

One effective way to remember specific information is to use colour coding. Colour helps highlight important information and speed up the reading process. Use colours that stand out but are not flashy, so they are still comfortable to read.

You can also add pictures or illustrations to make your notes more complete. Write down all the essential information and points in notes. After that, you can add visuals to help you remember the information.

4. Take Notes in Outline Form

Taking notes can be confusing and overwhelming if you are new to the topic. The results will also be worse when you need clarification about arranging notes. Then how to overcome it?

Try to elaborate on the notes and halve your notebook columns. The first column contains the core topic of the discussion, which can be the general topic or the main one. The second part contains details of the core topic. You can also add a summary at the end of the page that includes a brief overview of today's discussion or meeting.

5. Ask Questions

While taking notes or while another team member is explaining, write down all your questions about the material. Then when the time comes, remember to ask about it. Information that comes from your question is the easiest to remember.

6. Take Notes collaboratively

You can write notes collaboratively, which can only be done through digital notes. Use communication tools which help you to collaborate with others to take notes. Everyone has a different perspective on an object, so the results differ. Collaboration also increases interaction and creates space for questions.

7. Rewrite your notes

The primary purpose of taking notes is to learn and understand concepts at an advanced level. So to make sure your memory remembers it, try to rewrite your notes. When rewriting, you will usually find new information.


Taking notes is not difficult, but it requires constant honing of skills. Like everything else, the more you practise, the better you will get at it. It doesn't matter the method or form of notes you make. If you are comfortable using digital notes, then go. But if you want to use hand notes, that's fine too. And in turn, it will help you manage stress and increase productivity.


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