Flexibility or Hybrid: Which Works Best?

31 Jan, 2023 | Read in 5 minutes

Find out which type of work arrangement is best for your company and employees. Learn the differences between flexibility and hybrid work.


Is your company that you're working at using hybrid work or flexible work arrangements? The workplace has changed dramatically over the past decade. With advances in technology and the growing emphasis on work-life balance, many companies have moved away from traditional 9-to-5 office jobs and embraced flexible and hybrid work arrangements.

But what is the difference between these two approaches, and which one works best? In this article, we will explore the key differences between flexibility in the workplace and hybrid work and also examine the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Flexibility in the Workplace

According to PeopleScout, flexibility at the workplace refers to the ability of employees to work outside of traditional office hours and locations. This can include work-from-home arrangements, flexible scheduling, and job sharing.

Workplace flexibility aims to give employees greater control over their work-life balance, which can result in improved morale, job satisfaction, and overall productivity.

Advantages of Flexibility in the Workplace

Adapted from Indeed, there are 5 main advantages of flexibility in the workplace as follows:

1. Reduce stress

Because of the relaxing environment that flexibility creates, flexibility in the workplace helps reduce stress. Allowing employees to set their timetable, for example, relieves stress from their workday.

Employees who have a more flexible schedule are frequently less stressed since they have more control over their time. They no longer have to worry about being late for work, dealing with traffic on their journey, or waking up at an early hour.

2. Improved productivity

Lowering employee stress and providing flexible benefits boost productivity. Allowing employees to work remotely reduces the chances of them taking days off from work, which increases company performance.

Employees who have more flexibility over their jobs may be more motivated to complete their tasks because they are more creatively fulfilled and trusted by their bosses.

3. Employee loyalty

Companies that provide their employees with benefits such as available paid time off and work-from-home opportunities indicate that they value their employees. Companies are more likely to have lower employee turnover. Employees who appreciate their company's flexibility may spread the word about it and refer their contacts to apply.

4. Trust gained

Workplace flexibility fosters trust by requiring employers to believe that their employees can complete their tasks accurately and independently. Trust is essential between an employer and an employee since they frequently depend on one other for support.

A trustworthy work connection is advantageous because it helps employees feel responsible, depended on, and supported. It is also allowing them to become more active in the firm. Employees may gain confidence knowing that their employers trust them to do a good job.

5. Better work-life balance

Better work-life balance is made possible by company flexibility because employers trust their employees to establish and keep their schedules. Having more quality time set aside for family, friends, and hobbies allows employees to return to work feeling refreshed and ready to take on more responsibilities.

Disadvantages of Flexibility in the Workplace

There are three main disadvantages of workplace flexibility.

1. Isolation and lack of collaboration

When employees work from home, they may miss out on face-to-face interactions and opportunities for collaboration with their colleagues.

2. Reduced accountability 

When employees are not working in a traditional office environment, it can be more difficult for managers to monitor their performance and hold them accountable for their work.

3. Technical difficulties 

Employees who work from home may need help with their equipment or internet connection, which can disrupt their work.

Hybrid Work

The term "Hybrid Work" refers to a combination of in-person and remote work, by Envoy. In this model, employees split their time between the office and their home or other remote location. The goal of hybrid work is to provide employees with the benefits of both traditional office work and flexible work arrangements.

Companies that use a hybrid work model can provide their employees with a better work-life balance. This increases productivity and employee engagement at work, allowing organisations to operate more efficiently.

Advantages of Hybrid Work

Three crucial advantages of hybrid work that you need to know:

  • Improved collaboration: By spending some time in the office, employees can benefit from face-to-face interactions and opportunities for collaboration with other team members.
  • Increased accountability: When employees spend some of their time in the office, it is easier for managers to monitor their performance and hold them accountable for their work.
  • Flexibility and work-life balance: Hybrid work allows employees to have the best of both worlds, combining the structure and focus of traditional office work with the flexibility of working from home.

Disadvantages of Hybrid Work

There are also three critical disadvantages of hybrid work as follows:

  • Increased stress: Splitting time between the office and home can be stressful for employees, who must balance work and personal responsibilities in both environments.
  • Reduced productivity: The distractions of home life can make it difficult for employees to focus on their work, reducing their overall productivity.
  • Technical difficulties: As with flexibility at the workplace, employees who work from home may encounter technical problems that disrupt their work.

So, which works best: Flexibility or Hybrid Work?

The answer to this question depends on the individual needs and preferences of both employees and employers. Flexibility in the workplace may be a better option for employees who value autonomy and the ability to structure their work around their personal lives.

On the other hand, hybrid work may be a better option for employees who value structure and collaboration with their colleagues. Ultimately, the best approach will vary depending on the specific needs and goals of each company and each employee. Additionally, it's essential to consider the overall company culture when deciding between flexibility and hybrid work.

Some companies with a more traditional office-based culture may struggle to adapt to a completely remote work environment. In these cases, hybrid work can provide a compromise, allowing employees to have some level of flexibility while still maintaining a sense of company culture and collaboration.

On the other hand, companies that have embraced remote work and are equipped with the technology to support it may find that a fully flexible work environment is the most effective.


In conclusion, the choice between flexibility in the workplace and hybrid work is a complex one that depends on the needs and goals of both employees and employers. 

While both models have advantages and disadvantages, it's essential to regularly assess the effectiveness of the chosen approach and make adjustments as needed.

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